The CIO tried to arrest the president.
The PSS blocked them.
This caused a standoff.
The CIO tried to arrest the president, but the PSS blocked them.
This caused a standoff.
The CIO, which is a special investigation team, tried to arrest the president, but the PSS blocked them, which led to a five-hour standoff.
A: [질문/상황] B: [응답/설명] A: [후속 질문] B: [후속 응답]
A: [질문/상황] B: [응답/설명] A: [후속 질문] B: [후속 응답]
Q: [질문] A: [모범 답변]
Q: [후속 질문] A: [모범 답변]
Q: [질문] A: [모범 답변]
Q: [후속 질문] A: [모범 답변]
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