Why am I so tired?
출처 : https://youtu.be/gzLPa6NbcrE?si=79_K2XS-akt7W8rk

Full Script
Analysis of “Why am I so tired?”
Table of Contents
- Overall Summary
- Evolution of Decision Making
- Daytime Battle
- Nighttime Battle
- Solutions
- Dialogue Practice
- Writing Practice 5
- 작문 문제점 분석
Overall Summary
Content Summary
The opening section introduces the core problem: increasing fatigue in modern society. The speaker establishes that:
- More people are searching for answers about their tiredness
- The feeling of fatigue is getting progressively worse
- Companies are capitalizing on this phenomenon with various products
- The video aims to explore deeper reasons beyond common advice like “get more sleep”
Role in Overall Structure
This section serves as a hook and thesis statement for the entire video. It:
- Establishes relatability with the audience
- Sets expectations (won’t be typical sleep advice)
- Hints at a more complex scientific explanation to come
Useful Expressions
- “Year after year, more of us are quietly asking…”
- Used to describe a growing trend
- Alternative: “Increasingly, people are…”
- “This isn’t a video where I’m gonna tell you to…”
- Used to subvert expectations
- Alternative: “Don’t expect me to simply say…”
- “I wanna approach this question a little differently”
- Signaling a unique perspective
- Alternative: “Let’s look at this from another angle”
Example Conversations
A: I'm always tired these days. Is it just me?
B: Actually, it's becoming more common. Year after year, more people are experiencing the same thing.
A: Should I just try to sleep more?
B: Well, it's not that simple. We need to look at this differently and understand the deeper reasons.
Evolution of Decision Making
Content Summary
This section compares decision-making patterns across three historical periods to illustrate how our cognitive load has changed:
- Caveman Era (300,000 years ago)
- Few simple decisions (water, hunting, food safety)
- Routine daily activities
- Limited use of prefrontal cortex
- Long periods of rest and social interaction
- 20th Century
- Moderate increase in decisions
- Routine industrial work
- Still relatively limited prefrontal cortex activity
- Predictable daily patterns
- Modern Day (2024)
- Estimated 35,000 decisions daily
- 200+ decisions about food alone
- Complex, abstract, high-stakes choices
- Constant prefrontal cortex activation
Role in Overall Structure
This section:
- Establishes the fundamental mismatch between our brain’s evolutionary design and modern demands
- Sets up the scientific explanation of why decision fatigue occurs
- Creates a clear contrast between historical and modern cognitive loads
Useful Expressions
- “Let me take you back in time”
- Used to introduce historical comparison
- Alternative: “If we look back to…”
- “Similar brains, totally different worlds”
- Emphasizing evolutionary mismatch
- Alternative: “Same hardware, different software”
- “The prefrontal cortex isn’t pinging a ton”
- Describing low cognitive activity
- Alternative: “The brain isn’t working too hard”
Example Conversations
A: Why do modern conveniences make us more tired instead of less?
B: Well, while our physical work has decreased, our mental workload has skyrocketed.
A: How so?
B: Think about it - our caveman ancestors made maybe 20 decisions a day, but we make thousands!
Daytime Battle
Content Summary
This section explores two critical brain chemicals that affect our daily fatigue levels:
- Glutamate
- Primary function: Essential neurotransmitter for decision-making
- Problem: Accumulates throughout the day
- Effect: Creates mental fatigue when built up
- Explanation method: Uses “brain traffic/trash” metaphor
- Impact: Makes decision-making progressively harder
- Adenosine
- Primary function: Natural tiredness signal
- Interaction: Blocked by caffeine
- Effect: Builds up during the day
- Problem: Causes severe afternoon crash when caffeine wears off
- Solution mentioned: Coffee nap strategy
Role in Overall Structure
This section:
- Provides scientific evidence for why mental work causes fatigue
- Explains the biological basis of the afternoon slump
- Introduces the concept of chemical buildup affecting brain function
- Bridges the gap between evolutionary history and modern solutions
Useful Expressions
- “clog the system”
- Used to describe accumulation of mental fatigue
- Alternative: “slow down the process”
- “glutamate starts to build up”
- Describing gradual accumulation
- Alternative: “begins to accumulate”
- “it’s like as if your brain were a big city”
- Using metaphor to explain complex concepts
- Alternative: “imagine your brain as a busy highway”
Example Conversations
A: Why do I feel so tired after making decisions all day?
B: It's because of something called glutamate buildup in your brain.
A: What does that mean exactly?
B: Think of it like traffic in a city - too many cars (decisions) create a traffic jam in your brain.
Nighttime Battle
Content Summary
This section explores the conflict between our natural sleep patterns and modern life demands:
- Chronotypes and Evolution
- Different natural sleep times evolved for group survival
- Four main chronotype patterns exist
- Genetic basis for sleep timing preferences
- Mismatch with standard 9-5 work schedule
- Modern Sleep Disruptions
- Artificial light affecting melatonin production
- Late-night screen time
- Caffeine interference
- Social/work schedule conflicts
- Sleep Quality Factors
- Memory processing during sleep
- Physical recovery needs
- Chemical clearance (glutamate, adenosine)
- Impact of pre-sleep activities
Role in Overall Structure
This section:
- Connects daytime fatigue to nighttime sleep quality
- Explains why standard sleep advice often fails
- Demonstrates the cyclical nature of fatigue
- Sets up the need for personalized solutions
Useful Expressions
- “not all sleep is created equal”
- Used to emphasize quality over quantity
- Alternative: “sleep quality matters as much as quantity”
- “our chronotype is in our genes”
- Explaining biological predisposition
- Alternative: “it’s hardwired into our DNA”
- “wind down”
- Describing pre-sleep relaxation
- Alternative: “prepare for sleep”
Example Conversations
A: Why can't I just follow the normal 9-5 schedule like everyone else?
B: Actually, your chronotype is genetic - some people are naturally night owls.
A: So it's not just bad habits?
B: No, fighting your natural sleep pattern is like swimming against the current.
Content Summary
This section presents practical solutions to combat modern fatigue:
- Decision Reduction Strategies
- Pre-planning outfits for the week
- Meal planning
- Simplifying daily choices
- Creating routines
- Rest Optimization
- Coffee nap technique
- Biphasic sleep consideration
- Strategic caffeine timing
- Afternoon reset periods
- Lifestyle Adjustments
- Chronotype alignment where possible
- Screen time management
- Sleep hygiene improvements
- Caffeine consumption timing
Role in Overall Structure
This section:
- Transforms scientific concepts into practical actions
- Provides achievable solutions for different lifestyles
- Acknowledges the constraints of modern life
- Offers a range of options from simple to complex changes
Useful Expressions
- “The biggest takeaway”
- Used to emphasize main points
- Alternative: “The key lesson here”
- “What do we do about this?”
- Transitioning to solutions
- Alternative: “How can we address this?”
- “This is what it looks like when…”
- Providing practical examples
- Alternative: “Here’s how this works in practice”
Example Conversations
A: All this science is interesting, but what can I actually do about my fatigue?
B: Well, start with simple changes like planning your outfits for the week.
A: That's it? Just planning clothes?
B: It's about reducing daily decisions. Each small change adds up to less mental fatigue.
Dialogue Practice
피로와 수면 패턴에 대해
Q: How have you been feeling lately?
A: I’ve been feeling tired year after year. I think it’s getting worse.
Q: Have you tried getting more sleep?
A: Well, it’s not that simple. I’ve learned that mental fatigue is more about decision-making than just sleep.
의사결정 피로에 대해
Q: Why do you feel so exhausted after work?
A: According to the video, we make about 35,000 decisions daily. Our brains weren’t designed for this many choices.
Q: That’s interesting. What can we do about it?
A: We can try to reduce daily decisions, like planning our meals and outfits in advance.
수면 시간과 타입에 대해
Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
A: Actually, I learned that it’s genetic - it’s called our chronotype. I’m naturally a night person.
Q: Is that why you struggle with early meetings?
A: Yes, exactly! Fighting against our natural sleep pattern is like swimming against the current.
커피 낮잠에 대해
Q: Have you ever tried a coffee nap?
A: Not yet, but I learned it’s when you drink coffee and take a 20-minute nap right after.
Q: Does it really work?
A: The science suggests it does - the caffeine kicks in just as you wake up from your short nap.
피로 해결책에 대해
Q: What’s the most useful tip you learned from the video?
A: I think understanding that mental fatigue comes from decision-making, not just physical tiredness.
Q: How are you going to use this information?
A: I’m planning to simplify my daily decisions and respect my natural sleep patterns more.
Writing Practice 5
5가지 주제의 5문장 써보기
Writing Practice Questions
- How do you manage your daily decisions to reduce mental fatigue?
- Describe your ideal sleep schedule and how it differs from your current one.
- What solutions from the video would work best for your lifestyle and why?
- How has modern technology affected your sleep patterns?
- Explain how you would implement a “coffee nap” into your daily routine.
Writing Prompt
Write about how you manage your daily decisions to reduce mental fatigue. Please write 5 sentences about your strategies and experiences.
Your Submission
I do not something to reduce ma mental fatigue. I just try to sleep and wake up same time. But, nowadays, I starting new busineses preparing, so someday I sept too late. And I do not exercise. I had rip frature. If I recover from that, I will start exercise agin. But I don’t have nay solution to reduce daily decisions.
Evaluation and Corrections
- 문법적 오류가 다수 발견됩니다:
- “do not something” 구문이 잘못됨
- 철자 오류 (ma → my, busineses → businesses, sept → slept)
- 시제 사용이 부적절한 경우가 있음
- 문장 구조가 때로 어색합니다
- 주제에 대한 직접적인 답변이 부족합니다
- 하지만 현재 상황을 설명하는 내용은 잘 전달되었습니다
Corrected Sentences
- I don’t do anything specific to reduce my mental fatigue.
- I just try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time.
- However, these days I’m preparing to start a new business, so sometimes I end up sleeping too late.
- I’m currently unable to exercise because of a rib fracture.
- Once I recover from my injury, I plan to start exercising again, but for now, I don’t have any particular strategies to reduce daily decisions.
Writing Prompt
Describe your ideal sleep schedule and how it differs from your current one. Please write 5 sentences comparing your ideal and current sleep patterns.
Your Submission
I think that human must have a sleep for 8 hours, and another 8 hour spend for work, and the other 8 hours spend for maintenance happy life. I usually go to bed at 10:00 p.m., and fall asleep about 11:00 p.m.. And I wake up 07.:00 a.m., but I stay in the bed about 1 hours. So I waste time 1 hours in morning, 1 hours in night. And, sometimes someting interest things happend, I can not stop that, eventually I go to bed too late. Finally, one of my hobby is watching stars. This cause can not sleep.
Evaluation and Corrections
- 문법적 오류가 있습니다:
- 단수/복수 불일치 (8 hour → 8 hours)
- 관사 사용 오류 (a sleep → sleep)
- 시제 불일치
- 철자 오류 (someting → something, happend → happens)
- 8-8-8 생활 패턴에 대한 설명은 좋은 시작입니다
- 구체적인 시간을 언급한 것이 좋습니다
- 취미 활동이 수면에 미치는 영향을 언급한 것이 흥미롭습니다
- 문장 구조가 때로 복잡하고 어색합니다
Corrected Sentences
- I believe in the ideal balance of 8 hours each for sleep, work, and maintaining a happy life.
- My current schedule involves going to bed at 10:00 p.m., though I usually don’t fall asleep until around 11:00 p.m.
- While I wake up at 7:00 a.m., I tend to stay in bed for an extra hour, essentially wasting two hours daily - one in the morning and one before falling asleep.
- Sometimes, when interesting things come up, I can’t help but stay up later than planned.
- One significant challenge to maintaining a regular sleep schedule is my hobby of stargazing, which often keeps me up late at night.
Writing Prompt
What solutions from the video would work best for your lifestyle and why? Write 5 sentences explaining which solutions you think would be most effective for you.
Your Submission
I love the meal plannig. Actually, I do not plan about meal and I do not have meal routine now. So when I busy, I ate junk food, or I did not eat proper time. It hurt my health and gain weight. The meal planning is very good for me.
Evaluation and Corrections
- 문법적 오류가 있습니다:
- 철자 오류 (plannig → planning)
- 시제 불일치 (ate → eat, did not → do not)
- 전치사 사용 오류 (plan about → plan for)
- 문장 구조 오류 (“when I busy” → “when I am busy”)
- 주제에 대한 개인적 경험이 잘 표현되었습니다
- 해결책의 필요성이 잘 설명되었습니다
- 더 구체적인 실행 계획이 있으면 좋겠습니다
- 마지막 문장이 다소 단순합니다
Corrected Sentences
- Among the solutions mentioned in the video, meal planning appeals to me the most.
- Currently, I don’t have any meal planning routine or regular eating schedule.
- When I’m busy, I tend to rely on junk food or eat at irregular times.
- This poor eating pattern has negatively affected my health and led to weight gain.
- I believe implementing a proper meal planning system would significantly improve both my daily routine and overall health.
Writing Prompt
How has modern technology affected your sleep patterns? Write 5 sentences about the impact of technology on your sleep habits.
Your Submission
I had a very severe sleep disorder, so I used medicine for long years. But now, I fall asleep wery well and do not need any help from medicine. I use ipad for read ebook or watching youtube, and sometimes I listen music in the bed before sleep. But these not disturb my sleep. The best soulution for me, same time wake up and regular exercise.
Evaluation and Corrections
- 문법적 오류가 있습니다:
- 철자 오류 (wery → very, soulution → solution)
- 전치사 사용 오류 (for long years → for many years)
- 동사 형태 오류 (for read → for reading, listen → listen to)
- 관사 누락 (use ipad → use an iPad)
- 개인적 경험이 잘 표현되었습니다
- 기술 사용과 수면의 관계가 명확히 설명되었습니다
- 마지막 문장이 불완전합니다
- 시간 순서대로 잘 구성되었습니다
Corrected Sentences
- I previously suffered from a severe sleep disorder and had to rely on medication for many years.
- Now, however, I fall asleep very well without any medical assistance.
- Although I use an iPad for reading ebooks and watching YouTube, and sometimes listen to music in bed before sleeping, these activities don’t interfere with my sleep.
- I’ve found that technology itself isn’t the main factor affecting my sleep quality.
- The most effective solution for me has been maintaining a consistent wake-up time combined with regular exercise.
Writing Prompt
Explain how you would implement a “coffee nap” into your daily routine. Write 5 sentences describing your plan for trying this technique.
Your Submission
“Coffee nap” means drink coffee, and take a short nap. When I was very tired in afternoon, I tried that. But I slept too deep, so I slept during 3-4 hours. It because I am freelancer, so I am work at home. So, I do not use “coffee nap” and I won’t use “coffee nap”. If I was very tired at afternoon, I drink coffee and take some walk and breathing fresh air.
Evaluation and Corrections
- 문법적 오류가 있습니다:
- 시제 불일치 (means drink → means drinking)
- 관사 누락 (in afternoon → in the afternoon)
- 문장 구조 오류 (It because → That’s because)
- 동사 형태 오류 (I am work → I work)
- 개인적 경험이 잘 표현되었습니다
- 대안적 해결책을 제시한 것이 좋습니다
- 이유 설명이 논리적입니다
- 일부 문장이 불필요하게 반복됩니다
Corrected Sentences
- A “coffee nap” involves drinking coffee and then taking a short nap immediately afterward.
- I once tried this technique when I felt extremely tired in the afternoon.
- However, since I work from home as a freelancer, I ended up sleeping for 3-4 hours instead of the recommended 20 minutes.
- Because of this experience, I’ve decided that coffee naps aren’t suitable for my work situation.
- Instead, when I feel tired in the afternoon, I prefer to drink coffee and take a walk outside for some fresh air.
작문 문제점 분석
자주 발생하는 문법적 오류
- 시제 불일치
- 현재시제와 과거시제를 혼용함
- 예시: “I am work” → “I work”
- 예시: “When I was tired, I drink coffee” → “When I was tired, I drank coffee”
- 관사 사용
- 관사(a, an, the)를 빼먹는 경우가 많음
- 예시: “I use iPad” → “I use an iPad”
- 예시: “in afternoon” → “in the afternoon”
- 전치사 오류
- 부적절한 전치사 선택
- 예시: “plan about meal” → “plan for meals”
- 예시: “listen music” → “listen to music”
문장 구조 문제
- 불완전한 문장
- “It because”로 시작하는 문장
- 주어나 동사가 빠진 문장
- 예시: “It because I am freelancer” → “That’s because I am a freelancer”
- 주어-동사 일치
- 잘못된 동사 형태 사용
- 조동사 누락
- 예시: “I am work at home” → “I work at home”
어휘 사용
- 불필요한 반복
- 같은 단어를 여러 번 사용
- 예시: “I don’t use coffee nap and I won’t use coffee nap”
→ “I neither use nor plan to use coffee naps”
- 제한된 어휘
- 더 정확한 표현이 있음에도 기본적인 단어만 사용
- 예시: “very good” → “beneficial/effective/advantageous”
내용 구성
- 약한 결론
- 문장이 갑자기 끝나는 경우가 많음
- 명확한 결론이 없음
- 아이디어 간 연결
- 전환어(transition words) 부족
- 문장 간 논리적 흐름이 부자연스러움
개선 전략
- 작문 전:
- 각 문장의 주요 주어와 동사 미리 파악하기
- 사용할 시제 미리 계획하기
- 아이디어 간 논리적 연결 고민하기
- 작문 중:
- 명사 앞 관사 확인하기
- 주어-동사 일치 확인하기
- 문장 간 전환어 사용하기
- 작문 후:
- 단어 반복 검토
- 시제 일관성 확인
- 완전한 문장 구성 확인
현재 영어 수준 분석 (초등학교 2-3학년, 7-8세)
- 문장 구조
- 대부분 단순한 주어+동사 구조 사용
- 복합문이나 복문 사용이 거의 없음
- 초등학교 3-4학년 수준의 문장 구조
- 어휘 사용
- 기본적인 일상 단어 위주 사용 (sleep, work, exercise, coffee 등)
- 고급 어휘나 관용구 사용이 거의 없음
- 초등학교 2-3학년 수준의 어휘
- 문법적 오류
- 기본적인 시제 사용 오류
- 관사(a, the) 누락이 빈번함
- 단수/복수 구분 미흡
- 초등학교 2학년 수준의 문법
- 전반적인 표현력
- 자신의 일상을 매우 기본적인 수준으로 표현
- 복잡한 생각이나 감정 표현의 한계
- 초등학교 2-3학년 수준의 표현력
개선 방안 (목표: 초등학교 6학년, 11-12세)
- 문장 구조 향상
- 단순 문장을 복문으로 확장하기
- 연결사 활용 (however, therefore, although 등)
- 예시:
- 현재: “I usually go to bed at 10:00 p.m. And I wake up at 7:00 a.m.”
- 개선: “I usually go to bed at 10:00 p.m. and wake up at 7:00 a.m., although sometimes I stay in bed for an extra hour.”
- 어휘력 확장
- 동의어 사용하기
- very tired → exhausted
- want → desire/wish
- good → beneficial/effective
- 구체적인 동사 사용
- do → implement/establish/maintain
- make → create/develop/design
- 문법 정확도 향상
- 시제의 정확한 사용
- 관사(a, an, the) 규칙 학습
- 전치사 올바른 사용
- 주어-동사 일치 확인
- 실천 방법
- 영어 일기 쓰기 (매일 3-4문장)
- YouTube 영어 자막으로 시청
- 간단한 영어 책 읽기
- AI 채팅으로 영작문 교정받기